Establishing Service

Become a part of the BRMEMC membership family.

Rates and Billing

Click here for rates effective January 1, 2025 meter readings.

Explanation of Bill

Below is an image of how to read your monthly statement.

Your statement delivers timely information about your account in a concise, user-friendly format. To help you get the most out of your statement, we have provided this convenient “How to read your new statement” document above, which includes useful descriptions, summaries and samples. For further questions, please contact us at 1-800-292-6456, Monday through Friday, from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

  1. Account Number: Used to identify the location and services used at that location
  2. Total Amount Due: This month's payment, which includes the current payment amount and any amount past due, late charges, and other fees, if applicable.
  3. Payment Due Date: If your payment is past due, the box shows “See Below”, which refers to the statement message above the statement itemization.
  4. Member Mailing Address
  5. Past due 2nd Notice: If your payment is past due, this statement message is presented.
  6. Details: Prior month’s activity including payments received, late charges, and other fees, if applicable.
  7. Additional Notification: Notice for past due balance.
  8. Meter Reading and Charges: Meters read, read date, days adjusted, KWHs used, customer charges, sales tax, and bank draft preparation, if applicable.
  9. Compare Your Usage: An easy to follow chart for your current month, last month, and last year’s month usage along with the number of days in that reading period. Above the Compare your usage is an area for general notifications.
  10. Due Date: Date that current charges are due.
  11. Member Account Number: Located at the top right of the payment coupon.
  12. Total Amount Due: The total due to keep your account current.
  13. Payment Enclosed: The amount to be completed by you to indicate the amount enclosed for payment.
  14. Indicator Box for Address Changes: For your convenience, an area has been provided for address change information on the back of each payment coupon.
  15. Service Address: The location of the electric service being used.

If you have questions or need further assistance call our office at (706) 379-3121 or email Our office hours are Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Contact BRMEMC

875 Main Street East
Young Harris, Georgia 30582

P.O. Box 9
Young Harris, Georgia 30582

(706) 379-3121

"As soon as we got home, we heard a transformer blow. Within 30 minutes BREMC was out here and within another 30 they restored our power. Cannot thank these men and women enough for the jobs they do. Especially when it’s late at night and raining in 36 degree weather."


"Thanks for everything you do keeping thousands of customers in power, especially during all the snow and cold and rain. You guys are great!"


"Thanks for all the hard work!! Great job everybody!"


"Thank you for AWESOME response times and excellent service. The linemen went above and beyond!"


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